I found myself in in the situation that I had to use PHPExcel to generate some graphs. Sounds easy enough, and it kind of is, but... after I develop locally on my machine running php 5.3 I face myself with the challenge that I have to install the code on a machine running php 5.1.2 (not suported by PHPExcel). I soon found out that the main problem is the fact that php 5.1 dose not have ZipArchive or PHPExcel_Shared_ZipArchive, you can install them but with a lot of headache and a lot of trying (more than 1 solutions available for more than 1 case) and to be honest, that solution was not the proper way to do it as this was a production server with a lot of stuff on it (you don't want to mess it up).
Maybe a guru server admin could find a proper solution, but I am not that, I am a dev, so... I started researching to find a way to change to another lib that works on 5.1. And so I found... nothing!!! (at least after 2-3h of research and reading a lot of useless forum posts).
As my search was not fruitful and time consuming and annoying I moved my atention to something I love but not like doing: hacking the code ( hacking the code of a maintained lib is not encouraged as this may lead to rough upgrades with lots of diffs etc. ).
After a little more research and documentation I found pclzip as a php standalone lib here and I found that PHPExcel has a very simple way of changing the ziping class in the settings.
So this is what I have done:
- imported the pclzip lib
- created a wrapper class for compatibility reasons (pclzip dose not have the function names implemented in the other to libs)
- added my wrapper class as a ziping method in settings.php
- forced PHPExcel to use my class for ziping
NOTICE: This was tested only for writing, so I have no ideea what will happen when reading, but that is the subject of another post.
Here is a short description of the code I created:
################################################ // pclzip.extended.php ################################################ include('pclzip.lib.php'); // PhpConcept Library - Zip Module 2.8.2 - http://www.phpconcept.net class PCLZipExtended{ // just a place holder function PCLZipExtended(){ } private $zip; private $temp_dir; // implementation of function open // this function needs to create the zip file // pclzip dose not create the file untill any action is taken (create/append) function open($pFilename,$zipCreate){ $this->zip = new PclZip($pFilename); $this->zip->create(array()); return file_exists($pFilename); } // implementation of addFromString function // needs to save the string to a local file and then append it to the archive // keeping the paths is a ***ch function addFromString($_location,$data){ $location=$this->tempdir().$_location; if(!file_exists(dirname($location))) mkdir(dirname($location), 0777, true); file_put_contents($location,$data); $loc_to_add = explode('/',$location); array_shift ($loc_to_add); array_pop ($loc_to_add); $loc_to_add = implode('/',$loc_to_add); $this->zip->add($location,$loc_to_add,dirname($location)); } // we are done and we can clean up after our selfs function close(){ // do cleanup $this->rrmdir($this->tempdir()); } // generate a temp dir to store the files needed for the zip // or if we already done this return it // and yes php 5.1 dose not have sys_get_temp_dir private function tempdir($dir='') { if(isset($temp_dir)) return $temp_dir; $tempfile=tempnam($dir,''); if (file_exists($tempfile)) { unlink($tempfile); } mkdir($tempfile); if (is_dir($tempfile)) { return $temp_dir=$tempfile.'/'; } return false; } // recursive delete for php private function rrmdir($dir='') { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir") rmdir($dir."/".$object); else unlink($dir."/".$object); } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } } ################################################ // PHPExcel: PHPExcel/PHPExcel/Settings.php ################################################ ################ const PCLZIP = 'PHPExcel_Shared_ZipArchive'; // line: 42 added just this const PCLZIP_SOURCE = 'PCLZipExtended'; // line: 42 added just this const ZIPARCHIVE = 'ZipArchive'; ################ if (($zipClass === self::PCLZIP) || // line: 120 added just this ($zipClass === self::PCLZIP_SOURCE) || // line: 120 added just this ($zipClass === self::ZIPARCHIVE)) { ################ ################################################ // Main php file that dose all the work ################################################ include('modules/ER_Reports/pclzip.extended.php'); include('modules/ER_Reports/PHPExcel/PHPExcel.php'); PHPExcel_Settings::setZipClass(PHPExcel_Settings::PCLZIP_SOURCE); $er = new ER_Reports();
And that's all folks!!!!
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